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Tidal Wave (TH: 10, Trophies: 0-2500)(Instructions)
Town Hall Level:10
Trophy Level:0-2500
Introduction:This attack strategy is a very good one. The credit goes to Coleson Clash, who created this strategy(shoutout to Cole he's AMAZING!) This attack strategy is only usable at TH10 though, because you need max army camps, so this is a good attack for people who are trophy pushing in the crystal and masters leagues.(note: be sure to add a poison spell to spell composition.)
Army Composition:
Minimum Troop Housing Space Required: 240
Troop and Spell TypeQuantityMin LvlHousing
Wall Breakers12624
Healing Spells152
Rage Spells356
Freeze Spells151
Use your heroes after around the 3-4 wave, when most of the first layer defenses have been destroyed
  1. Put down about 25-45 barbarians to serve as a distraction, then after the mortar fires one shot, put down about 8 wall breakers(in pairs, separately)
  2. Put down a rage spell to help the wall breakers break the walls.
  3. Put down waves of barbarians(all of them) like a tidal wave bashing up against the enemy base. Put a few seconds imbetween waves for more destruction.
  4. Put down rest of spells if nessecary.(i.e. When Barbs reach TH rage spell, When Clan Castle poison spell, When splash damage near, heal spell)
Conclusion:Overall this is a great attack strategy, but it is highly unlikely to get a 3 star, so I would not use this as a clan wars attack, but as a good trophy pushing attack.