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For the Home Village counterpart, see Cannon/Home Village.
For the Clan Capital counterpart, see Cannon/Clan Capital.
"The iconic ground defense, built to last! This classic makes the Master Builder a bit sentimental."

Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Level 5
Level 6
Level 7
Level 8
Level 9
Level 10




  • Cannons have a high rate of fire and a decent range.
  • Cannons are very good point defenses that can deal massive damage to ground tanks, as long as they are protected.
  • You can defend with splash damaging defenses such as Multi Mortars and Crushers by placing them within range of Cannons.
  • Make sure Cannons are placed within range of Firecrackers or Air Bombs, because Cannons are unable to target air units.
  • Upgrade these structures first at lower levels, as they are one of your main ground defenses. They are also the cheapest and one of the most common defensive structure available, which makes them a good initial investment.


Upgrade Differences

The Cannon undergoes significant visual changes at levels 6 and 10.

  • When initially constructed, it consists of a short dark metal barrel mounted on a crude four-legged wooden rotational mount made of multiple planks on top of a circular metal plate.
    • At level 2, the whole Cannon is bigger. The wood of rotational mount is now one whole piece instead of multiple wooden planks, the legs are rotated 45 degrees and receives wooden stabilizers tied to each legs with ropes.
    • At level 3, the barrel is bigger and receives two decorative latitudinal ridges, one midway along the barrel and one at the rear. The wood of rotational mount is replaced with metal and bottom circular metal plate becomes bigger. The platform's leg stabilizer is removed in favor of a larger and stouter main support platform with the rotational mount is fitted inside, receives riveted metal plates on the sides to anchor the barrel more firmly to the rotational mount, and the wooden legs are replaced with shorter metal legs with a rivet.
    • At level 4, the top of rotational mount is reverted to wood again. The main support is polished, the riveted metal plates and legs are removed for a stone foundation.
    • At level 5, the barrel is bigger and used a darker metal, the decorative ridges are thicker and trimmed to be more pointed, one more is added around the muzzle.
    • At level 6, the rotational mount is raised, and the wooden base and stone foundation are discarded for a taller white stone platform with a pair of gold plate is added to the right edge of the platform and its opposing side, and four short gold-trimmed wooden legs.
    • At level 7, the barrel's decorative middle ridges is made of gold and the bottom rotational mount has a straight edge. There are two additional gold plates perpendicular to the first pair and they are all wider, the side of them also receive a steel bolt with a gold top.
    • At level 8, the rear decorative ridge also becomes gold.
    • At level 9, the muzzle decorative ridge also becomes gold. The bottom rotational mount also becomes gold and four golden spikes are added to the top of the base no occupied by the side gold plate. The gold trimming on the legs is much bigger and the wooden leg is replaced with dark metal with cone-shaped spike.
    • At level 10, the barrel is entirely made of gold and bigger. The main body of the barrel receives triangular reinforcing plates and the decorative ridge are flattened to be a band, with a wider one added to its neck.
  • The appearances of the cannonball changes with the level of the Cannon.
    • When first constructed, the cannon shoots small, light grey color cannonballs.
    • At level 2, it shoots bigger cannonballs.
    • At level 4, the cannonballs becomes even bigger and becomes darker.
    • At level 6, it gains spikes around the cannonball.
    • At level 7, the cannonball becomes bigger again.
    • At level 8, the cannonball that is shot now glows.
    • At level 10, it is a dodecahedron with a small gap between each pentagonal pyramidal plates.


Number Available Builder Hall Level
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Total 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3
Size Size
Damage per Second
Damage per Shot
Build Cost
Builder Gold
Build Time
Experience Gained
Builder Hall Level Required
Builder Hall
1 70 56 500 10,000 1m 7 1
2 77 62 575 20,000 5m 17 3
3 85 68 660 50,000 2h 84 3
4 93 74 760 200,000 8h 169 4
5 102 82 875 600,000 1d 293 5
6 112 90 1,050 1,000,000 2d 415 6
7 123 98 1,250 1,800,000 4d 587 7
8 136 109 1,450 2,500,000 6d 720 8
9 150 120 1,650 3,300,000 8d 831 9
10 165 132 1,850 4,500,000 9d 881 10
Attack Speed
Attack Speed
Damage Type
Damage Type
Unit Type Targeted
Favorite Target
8.5 0.8s Single Target Ground

Icon Descriptions

Icon InfoTapping this icon displays information about the Cannon, such as Level, Damage Per Second, Hitpoints, Range, Damage Type and Targets.
Icon UpgradeTapping this icon begins upgrading the Cannon to the next level, if you have enough resources and a free Master Builder or O.T.T.O. When the Cannon is at maximum level, this icon is not shown.
Icon HoBTapping this icon instantly upgrades the Cannon to the next level, at the cost of one Hammer of Building if you have one. When the Cannon is at maximum level, or the Builder Hall requirements for the next level are not met, this icon is not shown.
Icon FinishNowTapping this icon, which is displayed only while an upgrade is in progress, instantly finishes that upgrade at the cost of the displayed number of Gems.
Icon FinishNowBoBTapping this icon, which is displayed only while an upgrade is in progress, instantly finishes that upgrade at the cost of one Book of Building. This icon is only shown if you have at least one Book of Building.
Icon FinishNowBoETapping this icon, which is displayed only while an upgrade is in progress, instantly finishes that upgrade at the cost of one Book of Everything. This icon is only shown if you have at least one Book of Everything but do not have a Book of Building.
Icon CancelTapping this icon, which is displayed only while an upgrade is in progress, cancels the current upgrade and refunds half of the upgrade cost.


  • The Cannon is automatically repaired when the player upgrades to Builder Hall level 2, even though the Master Builder does not appear to repair it.
  • When viewing your village, the Cannons will appear to aim randomly about. However, they will mostly be aiming away from the Builder Hall. If the Cannons (or the Builder Hall) are moved, the Cannons will instantly orient themselves to point away from the Builder Hall's new relative location. This remains true even when the Cannons are being upgraded, though it will not move.
  • According to the description, the Cannon makes the Master Builder a bit sentimental.
  • The Cannon is one of the two defenses (the other being Hidden Tesla) which has a same texture with the Home Village counterpart at every level.
Builder Base Buildings
Defensive Buildings CannonDouble CannonArcher TowerHidden TeslaFirecrackersCrusherGuard PostAir BombsMulti MortarO.T.T.O's Outpost (Zappy) • RoasterGiant CannonMega TeslaLava LauncherX-BowWalls
Traps: Push TrapSpring TrapMineMega Mine
Resource Buildings Builder Hall (Magic Items) • Gold MineElixir CollectorGold StorageElixir StorageGem MineB.O.B Control
Army Buildings Builder BarracksArmy CampStar LaboratoryBattle Machine AltarReinforcement CampHealing HutBattle Copter Altar
Other Buildings BoatDecorationsObstaclesClock TowerElixir Cart