Clash of Clans Wiki
Clash of Clans Wiki

Hey bloggers! Thanks for reading my post. I am looking for the best defensive strategy so I can save up gold and elixir so I can upgrade obviously. I don't care too much about my trophies but I don't want to be down to 400 trophies after 5 battles.. (exaggeration). I'm a level 52 with town hall level 8. I know attacking with goblins and wall breakers can obliterate some camps and get lots of both. My problem is, saving it is a huge issue when it comes to my defenses when I am at work or asleep. Just giving me some strategies and a good defense for my storages and mines would be great. I have every possible thing maxed out to build, (not upgrade), that a town hall level 8 can be, minus the following, 1 Builder hut, 2 dark barracks, 1 air defense, all bombs and traps, and all 3 tesla's. That's just to give you a general idea of where I am and if you see anything urgent that I need let me know. Once again just looking to save up. Thank you very much once again! 

- Distributor
